Friday, September 4, 2009


Alright, all is well. Finally got that apartment and a good nights rest. Its a wonderful (yet small and overly expensive) apartment, in the bottom of a mansion of two architectural photographers. Its decorated with all sorts of paintings, old books, photographs of sunflowers, worldly knick-knacks and more.
The best part is that it faces the garden, and I have a little door in back and a little veranda and table to sorta chill and take in the roses and trees. Although its mostly raining all the time. So I havent gotten around to doing that yet.
There is also a lot of vanilla tea, which magically tastes creamy..even though its just a tea bag. Wonders never cease. to Riga for the weekend for a wedding and to do some banking, visiting and most importantly...buying groceries. 70 cents for a packasge of ramen is too redonk for my wallet!

Heres some photos!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Something new

Well apparently its been a year!
Anyways, I'm busy attending a certain american university in Brussels! Adventures shall be had, for sure, but for now I'm looking for a place to stay...which I think I may found on the ground floor of some famous photographers house? I'm sure that'll be interesting.
For now Brussels seems like a big faceless city. Like Anytown, USA...or rather Anycity, EU. This may be because I've yet to have some cherry beer, a fresh waffle and a sit next to Manneken Pis. This will all be fixed once I get back from Riga this weekend. Hopefully.