Sunday, February 17, 2008


Well fortunatly I have my own computer here in newspaper land. The unlucky thing is that they changed the locks on the doors of my office and I cant leave to go home. of all the random times to change locks and not tell anyone. Oh well. I could do with some blog updating time.
There is nothing more gorgeous than an eastern european winter, provided there is snow. Which there isnt right now. Just cold. But that all the more reason to enjoy hot beverages, alcohol and the company of others. And hanging out in sweaty dance clubs turns into more of a pleasently warm experiance, rather than an unbearably hot one.
In other news: There is an Uzbek restaurant in town which I am so going to check out.
I thought about going down to Kosovo for the independence announcements..but it didnt work out. It will be interesting to see Russias reaction to the decision and the impending economic whatnot thats sure to follow.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Riga, Latvia!

Weeelll So i'm back in Latvia again, working at the Baltic Times and teaching english, among other things. As its been one week, i've already lost like 7 pounds eating nothing but sausage, dairy products and fried potatos. It's really quite heavenly.
Last night I saw a production of Lolita in Latvian, and can now understand why many in Latvia chose not to do drugs. Watching the play was much like an acid trip. IN a good way. In a way that included live sheep walking out of closests with indians in very small loin LOLITA. I'm not sure Nabokov would approve.
All in all its good to be back in the land of relatively unsmiling people (save for the few that are very smiley and totally awesome), Fried delicious foods, and a work ethic that rivals france.